Redefining Business Resilience with Autonomous IT Operations
Today, enterprise systems lack a comprehensive and unified view of their IT estate. Absence of this contextual awareness often impacts decision making in all aspects of IT operations. Also, the effectiveness of IT operations inherently relies on intuition and tacit knowledge, making them costly, time consuming, of variable quality, and extremely difficult to scale to today’s volumes.
The autonomous enterprise is a self-driving business model which can be enabled through applied artificial intelligence and automation. Organizations are looking forward to reach self-sufficiency by the ability to operate with less human intervention, and a fully autonomous enterprise is one that can configure, monitor and maintain itself independently.
Solutions like Ignio built on Azure platform gives an ability to create an end to end context of an enterprise’s IT landscape. The solution leverages the context platform across all stages to provide autonomous IT operations, thereby helping build a data-first foundation to all decisions, enabling smarter decisions reducing time to action.
Join this session and learn how to –
• Create an Autonomous IT operations environment
• Improve end-to-end transparency across IT Ops Lifecycle
• Enable and accelerate data-driven decisions

Sandeep Alur
Director – Microsoft Technology Center
Microsoft Corporation India

Jatin Raval
Head of AIOps and Former CTO Asia Pacific