Welcome to the video uploading process for the felicitation ceremony
Technical Guidelines
Please be seated in a private place to avoid any background noise in the house which may interfere with your audio.
- Ensure your background behind you is a light and subtle colour.
- Your background and your attire should be contrasting colours.
- Artificial light / lamps should be facing you and not originating from behind you.
- Please speak nearest to the mic on the laptop / phone. You may also use a ear-phones or ear-pods to record for clarity of audio.
- Keep the camera at eye level when recording.
- Please start your communication in the video three seconds after you hit the record button.
- Your video should be a maximum of 50MB and not exceed more than 75 secs.
- Please replay the video at your end and check for audio and video clarity before uploading the same here.
- All video formats to be in MP4 or .MOV only.
- After the video has been recorded please upload the same by pressing the upload button.
- Lastly, the details filled in Name / Last Name / Designation and Company name will be displayed on your video at the ceremony.
Guidelines for Video Content
- Please start by stating your name, designation and Company name.
- Few lines thanking the organizer for felicitating the leader.
- Few lines on Your Company and some facts / figures / achievements that led to this moment.
- Few lines on the importance or prestige of this felicitation.