ETILC Global Outreach Program : India-Israel Business Collaboration Dialogue
As we appear on the cusp of the Fourth Industrial Revolution or Industry 4.0 enabled by the concurrent development and integration of digital and physical technologies, time is ripe to transform the Indian manufacturing ecosystem—and many other sectors and industries beyond.
To gain a better understanding of some of the pressing needs of manufacturers and various ways in which collaborations in general—and start-ups in particular—can provide value across multiple horizons of Industry 4.0 landscape, ETILC in association with Israel Economic and Commercial Mission, New Delhi is hosting a roundtable discussion(RT) (virtual) on Towards the Next Horizon of Industry 4.0 – Building Capabilities Through Innovative Collaborations and Start-ups on Wednesday, August 25th between 4:00 – 5:30 pm IST. The RT will have 12-14 experts from India and Israel who will discuss innovation in technologies (IoT, AI, 5G and Cyber Security systems), ways to build industry collaborations, technological transfer partnerships and the future roadmap to accelerate Smart Manufacturing in India.
The key points of discussion will be around:
- What will be the role of 5G in Industry 4.0 and how India & Israel can collaborate on this?
- What are the challenges for 5G deployment in India and how can the Israel start-up ecosystem work with Indian companies to find a solution?
- How can India quickly adopt and upgrade Smart manufacturing, analytics and IoT in its manufacturing sector?
- Creating more COE-IOT(centre of excellence across India). How can we build a cohesive environment to build these centres for easy transfer of ideas and technology between Israel and India?
- Boosting opportunities of technological collaborations between India and Israel

Vinodkumar Ramachandran
Partner, India Head Automotive and Industrial Sector and Global Head Industry 4.0
KPMG in India

KG Purushothaman
Senior Lead, Telecom
KPMG in India, as a specialist on 5G technologies

Agmon David Porat
SCo-Founder and Head
I4.0 Laboratory

Amit Kumar
Co-founder and COO

Amitabh Ray
Managing Director
Ericsson India

Avner Ben-Bassat
President & CEO

Israel Koffman
Executive VP and Founder

Jagannath V
Business Head
m2nxt Solutions – A BFW subsidiary

Lior Handelsman
General Partner

Lior Zadicario
Chief Revenue Officer

Malka Nir
Vice President, Advanced Manufacturing Division
Israel Innovation Authority

Milan Sheth
Executive Vice President – IMEA
Automation Anywhere Software

Ravi Prayaga
Managing Director
JI Technovation

Roy Timor-Rousso
Chief Revenue Officer

Sumit Sood
Managing Director
GlobalLogic India

Vineet Majgaonkar
Armstrong Machine Builders
4:00 PM |
Welcome by ETILC |
4:00 PM – 4:02 PM | Opening address by Natsha Zhangin, Counsellor, Head of Economic & Commercial Mission – Embassy of Israel in India. |
4:02 PM – 4:07 PM |
‘Towards the Next Horizon of Industry 4.0’ * India-Israel Business Collaboration Dialogue – Introduction and context setting by Vinodkumar Ramachandran |
4:10 PM – 4:25 PM |
Theme 1: Building an innovation and start up eco system in Israel and partnership opportunities with India
4:25 PM – 4:50 PM |
Theme 2: Driving digital transformation through Industry 4.0 technology solutions Israel Panellists: Speech/presentation for 3 minutes each providing a brief introduction of your company’s technology, global operations and India potential (if you have evaluated India potential):
Indian Panellists: Brief self-introduction, Provide views on potential opportunities and challenges in India for industry 4.0, current maturity level, specific views on the technologies provided by Israel Panelist. Each speaker to speak for 3 minutes and try and cover aspects not covered by previous speaker
4:50 PM – 5:10 PM |
Theme 3: 5G opportunities in India Setting the Context on overall 5 G opportunities and current status :
Speech/presentation for 5 minutes each providing a brief introduction of your company’s technology, global operations and India potential (if you have evaluated India potential):
5:50 PM – 5:25 PM |
Open interaction and Q&A |
5:25 PM – 5:30 PM | Conclusive Notes and Next Steps |
5:30 PM |
Thank you & Close |