International governments intensify support towards science-backed reduced-risk tobacco alternatives, complementing Tobacco Control Policies

International governments intensify support towards science-backed reduced-risk tobacco alternatives, complementing Tobacco Control Policies

The World Health Organisation (WHO) predicts a staggering over 1 billion smokers into 2025 and beyond.
FDA admits foreign influence and hiring people to draft regulations on vapes using anti-tobacco money

FDA admits foreign influence and hiring people to draft regulations on vapes using anti-tobacco money

In December 2020, international public health experts in Manilla filed a resolution directing the House Committee on Good Government and Public Accountability to conduct an inquiry.
82% people do not support the ban of designated smoking areas: PRAHAR

82% people do not support the ban of designated smoking areas: PRAHAR

PRAHAR (Public Response Against Helplessness and Action for Redressal), an NGO dedicated to finding solutions for problems of the helpless released findings of the first-ever survey among actual users of tobacco products.
CAPHRA warns against grant-for-policy scheme of Bloomberg

CAPHRA warns against grant-for-policy scheme of Bloomberg

A regional group of tobacco harm reduction (THR) advocates cautioned governments of low and middle-income countries (LMICs) not to succumb to the ploy of vested interest groups dangling money in exchange for policies.
Countries Call On WHO To Consider Science-Based Regulations To Tackle Smoking Problems

Countries Call On WHO To Consider Science-Based Regulations To Tackle Smoking Problems

WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control mandates countries to promote measures of tobacco control based on scientific evidence and economic considerations
Suhel Seth

Suhel Seth

Managing Partner, Counselage India
Prof. Bejon Kumar Misra

Prof. Bejon Kumar Misra

International Consumer Policy Expert, Honorary Professor at the National Law University Odisha, Cuttack
Jaspreet Bindra

Jaspreet Bindra

Chief Tech Whisperer - Findability Sciences, Founder - Tech Whisperer (UK), Thought Leader - Digital Transformation & Future of Work
Prof. Dr. Rohan Savio Sequeira

Prof. Dr. Rohan Savio Sequeira

Consultant Cardio-Metabolic Physician, Specialist in Non-Invasive Cardiology, Diabetes, Endocrinology and Obesity Management, Hon. Consultant Physician to the Governor of Maharashtra, Senior Consultant Physician at Jaslok Hospital, St Elizabeth Hospital, S.L.Raheja Hospital And Holy Family Hospital
David T. Sweanor J.D

David T. Sweanor J.D

Chair of the Advisory Board, Centre for Health Law, Policy & Ethics, University of Ottawa Adjunct Professor Faculty of Law, University of Ottawa, Global Leadership Council, Boston University School of Public Health

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